The can of worms

As is

Bridge over troubled water

Life is a Roller Coaster

The Screen

Know yourself


Making Sense

What is around the corner? What does that bring up for you? How do you react? Where does that behaviour come from? What is it trying to communicate?

New Year, New You?

Christmas time…
A few thoughts about Christmas when living or working with children with developmental trauma

Would you rather…
Based on the classic game, Would you rather, how does memory shape our answers?!

Building a Village
A little bit about our roots and vision.

Thought of the day: Check-in
How often do we check in with our internal thermometer? Recognising the state we are in can inform the way we are we others. A quick thought about this…

Safe and Sound
What is safety? Such a big and complicated concept.

Why Therapy?
Our experiences shape so much of who we are. How can therapy support us as we work with the reactions our experiences establish?